Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A Nazi Christmas
I just became curious about how Christmas was for Germany, you know with a dictatorship and if they had to go through several rules on what to do or believe on Christmas. I found out that Hitler left the job for his propaganda minister, Goebbels. Nazi Germany didn't allow Germans to believe Christmas in a religious way. They wanted German's to celebrate Christmas for the soldiers. He wants people to know that instead of celebrating Christmas for gifts, that they should celebrate to thank the soldiers that are fighting in the front lines for them , because they don't get to celebrate their own Christmas.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Part Numero Tres..!
I totally agree with Ambrose's view of us owing our freedom to the brave young men who fought for our country and gave their life to give us a better future. Many people are just so inconsiderate, many people think that soldiers are stupid, that fighting a war is just non-sense, but we call on them and they are there to fight for us. In this situation many young men which were two years older than us had to grow up fast, because they had to know how to function in the call of duty without fear. Specially when most of them had to lead their infantry regiment. These people were willing to give it their all for us, and they deserve for us to thank them. We owe them big time.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Holocaust Museum
On Thursday's trip to the Holocaust Museum I had a pretty bad bus ride, really uncomfortable. Once we got there I was relieved. Anyways I thought the tour was a pretty good tour. We did learn some new things, but most of us knew almost most of what they were talking about. I really liked the train box car, because I can only imagine how it felt in there and what it smelled like when they Nazi Germans stuck people in there and cramped them in there like insects. The box car had a really damp smell. What still keeps me wondering is a painting that the tour guide showed us. I can only remember the red coat of the woman the rest was black and grey. Overall, I had a good time at the museum, I would like to go back and check out the other parts of the museum that we didn't get to see.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Mexico in World War Two
Many people believed that Mexico was not a very huge part of World War Two. Historians always leave out Mexico. Event though Mexico did not see a lot of combat. They did help us in a way. If Mexico had agreed to be allies with Germany it would have been a whole different World War for the United Sates.
Later in around the 1940's Mexico and United States began to negotiate in alliance. Mexico was getting help building up their Army, Navy, and Air Force by the United States. For exchange Mexico was supplying U.S.A. with 40% of raw material to make weapons. Also, U.S.A. was getting oil from Mexico. Fascist Spain and Nazi Germany were still trying to persuade Mexico into joining the Axis power, because the alliance between Mexico and the U.S was not very smooth, and Mexico felt that at one point U.S.A. will take control of Mexico.
As the war kept on lasting, Mexico would eventually help the Americans fight for the return of the Phillipines. Mexico only used one Airborne unit which was called " The Aztec Eagles". Mexico had only thirty-one pilots, and of those only five died. Many other Mexicans crossed the border into United States to fight for the American military. As a result of this many Mexicans gained United States citizenship. Most of which moved back to Mexico.
In 1942 Mexico declared war on the Axis power. This was caused because Italian submarines had sunk Mexican Ships.
Overall, Mexico did have a pretty big part in the War. By giving United States aid, Mexico deserved great recognition, but didn't get what was expected.
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Escuadron 201 pilots prior to flying a combat mission in the Philippines. They used standard-issue U.S. flight uniforms and equipment. (U.S. Air Force photo) |
As the war kept on lasting, Mexico would eventually help the Americans fight for the return of the Phillipines. Mexico only used one Airborne unit which was called " The Aztec Eagles". Mexico had only thirty-one pilots, and of those only five died. Many other Mexicans crossed the border into United States to fight for the American military. As a result of this many Mexicans gained United States citizenship. Most of which moved back to Mexico.
In 1942 Mexico declared war on the Axis power. This was caused because Italian submarines had sunk Mexican Ships.
Overall, Mexico did have a pretty big part in the War. By giving United States aid, Mexico deserved great recognition, but didn't get what was expected.
Josef Mengele in South America
Mengele was a German physician who made experiments in the Nazi concentration in Auschwitz to prisoners there. His goal was to try to figure out how to prevent diseases, to see if people could live with five limbs, and to see if he could find a way to make people's hair color change to blond and eye color to blue. It was part of the idea of making the German race a pure and healthy race. Because of this he was nicknamed the Angel of Death.
After fleeing Germany during World War Two. Josef Mengele arrived at Argentina. Argentina at the point were allies with United States and Great Britain. From Argentina, Israel was on a quest to find Mengele since they knew he was there, because of the previous capture of German Adolf Eichmann. This made Josef to move to a small town in Paraguay named Hohenau. The Israeli group was still in the search to find the physician. So Mengele moved again this time to a small suburb of Sao Paolo, Brazil. He lived here with a Hungarian refugee family.
In the 1960's Mengele was a veterinarian in the Brazilian town called, Canidodo Gadoi. Here Josef performed as more of a doctor that would only work for women who were pregnant. Mengele was still trying to achieve his goal of creating the perfect German race of blond hair and blue eyes. He would see pregnant women and give them new drugs, shots, and potions to try to give the fetuses the blond color hair and blue eyes. Also these drugs will cause women to have twins. So this meant more blond hair and blue eye Aryan children were born.
To this day the small Brazilian town of Canidodo Gadoi has a twin birth rate of every one of eighty births, are twins. At the end of his life in 1979 Mengele had reached his goal.
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Here are twins from the Mangele experiments in Canidodo Gadoi |
In the 1960's Mengele was a veterinarian in the Brazilian town called, Canidodo Gadoi. Here Josef performed as more of a doctor that would only work for women who were pregnant. Mengele was still trying to achieve his goal of creating the perfect German race of blond hair and blue eyes. He would see pregnant women and give them new drugs, shots, and potions to try to give the fetuses the blond color hair and blue eyes. Also these drugs will cause women to have twins. So this meant more blond hair and blue eye Aryan children were born.
To this day the small Brazilian town of Canidodo Gadoi has a twin birth rate of every one of eighty births, are twins. At the end of his life in 1979 Mengele had reached his goal.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Jewish Concentration Camps
By 1942, the Germans had built 6 death camps. Some of theses death camps were Auschwitz, T.II, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Treblinka, and Theresienstadt. The worst death camp out of them all was Auschwitz.
Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp. Auschwitz was located in Poland. It was made up of 3 concentration camps in one. It was a camp that had forced work and killed people. The people were sent from a forced labor camp to a death camp when they became old or when they were weak to be killed. Some were also tested for experiments that tested medical things, such as diseases and cures. About 1 ¼ million people were killed at Auschwitz during World War II.
Buchenwald was one of the first and the biggest concentration camps. It was built in 1937 in Weimar, Germany. It held 20,000 prisoners and most of them worked as slaves in near by factories. Many died from disease, little food, exhaustion, beatings, and executions. Prisoners were used to test the viruses and their vaccines.
Bergen-Belsen was near the villages of Bergen and Belsen in Germany. It was built in 1943 as a prison camp and a Jewish slave work camp. It was meant for 10,000 people but ended up holding 41,000. Here 37,000 prisoners died. They died from diseases or just being over worked. Anne Frank, one of the most famous concentration camp victims today, died there.
This camp was located near the village of Sachsenhausen, in north Germany. It was built in 1936 as a part of 3 camps including Buchenwald and Dachau. The early prisoners of the camp were 10,000 Jewish people from Berlin and Hamburg. 200,000 people were in the camp and 100,000 of them ended up dying from disease, exhaustion, and over working in the local factories. A lot of the rest were brought to many other death camps.
Dachau was the first Nazi concentration camp built. The camp was built in 1933. It was located in Dachau, Germany. The camp was meant to perfrom medical experiments on prisoners. These experiments left the people dead or disabled. The experiments and the harsh living conditions made it one of the most harsh camps. It was not designed as a killing camp though.
This camp was in north Bohemia (in modern Czech Republic). The camp later became a walled-in ghettoin 1941. After the people that were not Jews were evacuated, they started sending more Jews to the camp from Germany, Austria, Denmark, and other countries. Out of 14 1,000 Jewish people sent to Theresienstadt, 33,500 people died from the crowding in the ghettto, 88,000 Jews were sent to killing camps.
Treblinka and T.II
This camp was near the village of Treblinka, Poland. In 1941 it opened meaning to be a slavery camp. Close by, another camp called T.II opened in 1942. This camp was meant to be a killing camp. In the Treblinka camp there were bath houses which were used to kill people by a poisonous gas called carbon monoxide.Jewish prison workers had to kill the Jewish people. The Ukrainian guards did this also. The total number of people killed there is about 700,000 to 900,000. In 1943 a group of Jewish prisoners tried to escape but some were killed or recaptured. The T.II camp was closed in October of 1943. Treblinka was closed in July of 1944.
The The Battle of Stalingrad was a major turning point in World War Two, and is considered the bloodiest battle in human history and arguably one of the greatest come-backs in military history. The battle was marked by the brutality and disregard for civilian casualties on both sides. The battle is taken to include the German siege of the southern Russian city of Stalingrad, the battle inside the city, and the Soviet counter-offensive which eventually trapped and destroyed the Germans. Total casualties are estimated at between 1 and 3 million. The Axis powers lost about a quarter of their total manpower on the Eastern Front, and never recovered from the defeat. For the Soviets, who lost well over one million soldiers and civilians during the battle, the victory at Stalingrad marked the start of the "Liberation" of the Soviet Union, leading to eventual victory over Nazi Germany in 1945.
Patton's views on Jewish people.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Pearl Harbore
On the morning of December 7th, of 1941 the sleeping giant would get an awakening. At the naval base in Pearl Harbor, the Japanese planned to blow up all of the ships and the airfields. The Japanese airplanes were only targeting the bigger battleships such as the USS Arizona, USS West Virginia, or USS Tennessee. Eighteen ships were either sunk or badly damaged, including eight battleships. Around 200 U.S aircraft were destroyed and approximately 150 damaged. 2,400 Americans were killed mainly soldiers and about 1,200 were wounded. Japan only lost about 29 planes. Japan did this because they wanted America to pay back for putting an embargo on them for oil and iron ore. This is because Japan was taking over land that they shouldn't have taken. President declared war on Japan immediately after the attack. Later Germany and Italy declared war on US. After the bombing emperor of Japan Isoroku Yamamoto knew he had made a big mistake. He knew that he did something really of the scale, and he knew that he would pay back after all of this. His famous quote is "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve"
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Nuremburg Laws/1936 Olympics
In 1935 Adolf Hitler made laws for the Jewish people. The purpose of the laws were to purify the German race and keep it existent and singled out Jewish people. The laws consisted rules such as Jews could not interact with Germans. For example thy can not marry or go to the same school, such as segregation. Jews could not show or display any form of Germany. They could not raise a Nazi Germany flag etc. Jewish people were now considered illegal aliens since the laws took away their citizenship. All Jews had to wear the Star of David so people could know they were Jewish. If any of the laws were broken they would be forced with hard labor, fine, or sent to prison. But in 1936 Germany was hosting the summer Olympics. So Hitler decided to remove these laws. He did it so other countries could see how much of a great nation they were, where everybody was friendly. During the Olympics Hitler thought Germany was going to dominate everything and everyone. They did win the most medals, but was surprised when an African-American, Jesse Owens, beat his German sprinters. He was so surprised he had his scientist try to figure out why Owens was so fast. After the Olympics, Hitler reactivated the laws and everything was back to normal. All Jews were isolated from Germans.
Steps to WWII
In 1935 the inhabitants voted for the Saar land to be a part of Hitler's Nazi Germany. Later this lead to the wanting of the Rhine land. So in 1935 Adolf Hitler started building up his army and calling up men. On March 7th 1936 Germany marched into the Rhine land with only 22,000 men and invaded. In 1938 Hitler claimed that Austrian Nazis wanted unity with Germany. Hitler invaded Austria on March 11th 1938. Next, Hitler also wanted to unite all of the Germans in the Sudetenland which was part of Czechoslovakia. In 1938 Hitler took over. The Munich Pact stated that Great Britain and France will give Hitler the Sudetenland. On March 15th 1939, Hitler's troops marched into Czechoslovakia and invaded. Hitler now wanted Poland. Britain claimed to protect Poland form Germany and they knew the only way to stop Germany was through war. On August 1939 Hitler signed an agreement with Russia to help Germany if Great Britain intervened with the invasion of Poland. On September 1st 1939 Hitler invaded Poland, two days later Great Britain declared war on Germany. Before Germany invaded Poland and Great Britain declared war on Germany, Germany had broken the Treaty of Versailles and from this Great Britain or France did nothing about it. They just watched them do whatever they wanted. Only because they didn't want war with Germany. Even though they did end up going to war.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Ukranian Genocide

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Before he was "II Duce"
Mussolini had a pretty bad life. I mean as a child he was really rebellious. In grade school he stabbed a kid and he was also a bully. I think this is an early sign of him being a ruler when he grows up? Benito was constantly in jail. Benito was a really lady's man. He always had girls with him. He moved out of Italy to live in Switzerland so he can avoid military services. As he was in Switzerland he became a journalist. In his articles he supported the socialist party. He insisted to stay out of the war. As time passed he then realized that Italy should stay in the war. The Italian government was really weak and could be overthrown easily. The parliament quit. And this was a perfect chance for Benito to step in and take power. He became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy. This is how his legacy started...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Treaty of Versailles
After World War One the Germans had only the worst of the war coming towards them. The Allies made it so for the Germans get punished hard. I believe the Germans had it rough. What the Allies wanted from Germany was just to harsh and cruel. Germany did cause a lot of damage to many countries. But that was because of the government and Kaiser Wilhelm 2. The citizens were innocent. Yes some did join the army but the others didn't. Some points on The Fourteen Points of Wilson were fair by just giving up land, however, not the colonies that they had around the world. Also by minimizing the army. Overall, Germany did have some problems to worry about because they were literally stripped from all of their power. Which was just too cruel for them.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
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